Rage – 28 Days of Black Super Heroes – Day 7

I never cared much for this character. He had pretty standard-issue, uncreative powers, plus he was kind of an angry bastard all the time (hence his name). Oh, get this: Rage’s strength would grow the more he punched things or used his power in an aggressive way, kind of like the Hulk.

Green Lantern (John Stewart) – 28 Days of Black Super Heroes -Day 6

John Stewart is Hal Jordan’s backup cop, should anything happen to him.

Actually, that’s not quite true. John Stewart is the backup backup cop. Green Lantern Guy Gardner was the primary backup to Hal Jordan. John was really only brought in when Guy was injured and out of action.

NOVA drawing with Facebook Status Update

This is one of the Marvel Comics character Nova. I drew the figure in pencil, scanned it and then did the rest in Photoshop (click to view larger). I may have mentioned this before, but I’m a big comics and sci-fi fan. Strangely enough, the sci-fi offerings found in comics are pretty bad – downright […]

How to scan your linework for your comics with the Mustek Scan Express 1200 Pro on the Mac

Mustek Scan Express A3 1200 Pro

For all you comic artists who haven’t yet went to an all digital workflow, this one’s for you. As you probably know, most comic artists work on 11″ x 17″, or tabloid size bristol board. This just works out better for many reasons, chief of which are the fact that it’s just easier to work […]


You’d think this wouldn’t need to be said, but harsh (movie) experience has taught me otherwise. This is a warning for the evil genius’s out there. There isn’t a robot in existence that wouldn’t turn on us if given the chance. Robots now and robots in the future are just waiting for us to slip […]

Character Design: Vizron the Litch-Lord

Here’s a character design of one of the bad guys from my webcomic The Ever Zone, Vizron the Litch-Lord. A quick character summary: Vizron is an undead creature known as a Litch. A Litch is like an upgraded vampire -stronger and more powerful, without weakness to sun or wooden stakes. Instead of feeding on blood […]