3D with Blender, Daz and The Man Called Nova

NOVA thumbnail

I’ve been doing some 3D work lately, and I decided to share some of my latest stuff here on the site. Many of the following images feature the Marvel Comics character Nova -one of my favorite sci-fi heroes.


You’d think this wouldn’t need to be said, but harsh (movie) experience has taught me otherwise. This is a warning for the evil genius’s out there. There isn’t a robot in existence that wouldn’t turn on us if given the chance. Robots now and robots in the future are just waiting for us to slip […]

Character Design: Vizron the Litch-Lord

Here’s a character design of one of the bad guys from my webcomic The Ever Zone, Vizron the Litch-Lord. A quick character summary: Vizron is an undead creature known as a Litch. A Litch is like an upgraded vampire -stronger and more powerful, without weakness to sun or wooden stakes. Instead of feeding on blood […]