Tales From The Freelance Side

JG and the Tales from the Freelance Side

The following is a tale not meant for the faint of heart. I’ve been freelance web developing, etc. for over three years now. I’ve had some great clients, but in those early days I ran into few that, in hindsight, I should have recognized as soul-sucking demons that had climbed straight from the deepest, fiery pits of HELL.

Guest Post at Ending the Grind!

Check out my guest post over on Steve Roy’s website endingthegrind.com.

It’s a more personal article about who I am and how blogging helped me leave me job and start turning my life around. Hope to see you over there!

Blogging Lessons we can learn from the Romans

Good news, people. This is Hypertransitory.com’s first ever guest post. Please welcome Roman First Spear Legionnaire Gaius Severus Maximus. -JG Greetings, noble men and women of virtue. It has come to my attention that many of you have questions about how to proceed with your “blogging”. I informed the owner of this blog that my […]

10 things I hate about Winter in Wisconsin


Beware, there will be complaining and offensive language in the following rant, I mean, post. This is a long one, but bear with me… I don’t know if anyone else noticed this, but it’s cold as HELL out there. When I say I hate winter, I don’t want you guys to think that I take […]


You’d think this wouldn’t need to be said, but harsh (movie) experience has taught me otherwise. This is a warning for the evil genius’s out there. There isn’t a robot in existence that wouldn’t turn on us if given the chance. Robots now and robots in the future are just waiting for us to slip […]