So now it’s time to announce the winners of the poster and the free commission from me.
This is truly an exciting event for me, as it’s my first ever contest, so hopefully those of you who took part are excited as well. To recap, the poster that will be won is a 20″ x 30″ version of this:

Anyway, on with the show. The winner of the poster is:
Neil Kapit!
And the winner of the free commission is:
Mitchell Allen!
I’ll be contacting them via their respective contact methods. If any of you know Neil or Mitchell feel free to let them know, assuming they’re not reading this.
Well, with that said, look forward to more contests in the future, I have some more ideas for giveaways that I think people will find worthwhile. Have a great Saturday, my friends and thanks for reading!
Very cool! That print is great! Btw, do you sell any of your prints on your blog? My son loves anything comic and why not support a fellow blogger for a good cause? :)
Hi Diane, I was selling prints for awhile, but I just can’t find a service I *truly* like. Between Smugmug, RedBubble, DeviantArt and the like I wish I could find one that was perfect, but I guess that will be a loooong search lol!
So busy with client work right now but I gotta get on that. Thanks for the compliment!
Oh yeah, if you sign up for my newsletter (top right) you’ll get the hi-res file for that poster, which you can then take to any service and get printed! :)
I would like to add It’s great that DC comics took in the milestone characters but now what?? DC NEW black punisher Code Name: Sanction Doesn’t kill sleep darts. meaning of sanction judgement on the spot. How do the characters get into the big 5 DC titles